Browse through our class projects

Here you will find a number of creative projects carried out by the undergraduate and graduate students in some of the classes that are taught Department of Languages and Cultures

COVID19 Puppets/Títeres

Puppet shows for kids in the time of COVID19

In 2020-21, the students in the Create and Connect course with Profe Felipe Q. Quintanilla, took on the puppet challenge. This was an opportunity for the students to experiment with the art and performance of puppetry.

Their first objective was to create a puppet with whatever resources you are able to attain at your disposal. Secondly, as a prompt, they were asked to find inspiration and develop a new concept based on something that might connect with a child during these COVID times. Thirdly, they were asked to not read from a script, but to create a video where they simply experiment with finding a voice for their puppet

Mexico City

Collage Project. Mexico City Course

The Mexico City course (CLC 2129B/ SP 2102B/ VA 3390G) was offered in the Winter 2019 by Professor Alena Robin. The course examines Mexico City through its history of continuous transformations from the Aztec empire to the megalopolis it is today.

The Future

Speculation — faith — hope

These are cultural artifacts created texts by students in the undergraduate Comparative Literature course Back to the Future, as well as by graduate students in the CLC course The Future. Both courses, taught by Professor Felipe Quetzalcoatl Quintanilla, invited the creators here included, to think about how the “the future” has been imagined in ancient texts and in ever more contemporary and global visions of “things to come”.

Proyecto de libro para niños

La historia escrita e ilustrada por los estudiantes se imprime en formato de hojas duras y se lleva a escuelas en otros países donde hacen parte del material didáctico con el que aprenden niños de escuela primaria. Es una forma estupenda de involucrarse en una actividad de alcance y apoyo a la comunidad mientras los estudiantes se convierten en autores de libros infantiles.  

These memes were created throughout the Winter semester of 2020 (before the pandemic), by the graduate students in Professor Felipe Quetzalcoatl Quintanilla’s class US/Canadian Latinx Literature and Culture at The University of Western Ontario.

Latinx/Xicanx Memes




Mexico City