Ese Donald Duck

Suzette Attopley


As I was grooving to Snow Tha Product’s music for my song analysis, the line, “… ese Donald Duck como me frustra …” [“… Ow how that Donald Duck frustrates me …”] stood out to me. Immediately, it reminded me of a piece by the Esquire blog that I had read. It recalled an observation made by another blog about President Donald Trump’s resemblance to Disney’s Donald Duck. It pointed out the coincidental resemblance between Donald Trump and the “short-tempered and unintentionally comic cartoon” when turned upside down.

Likewise, many have observed other similarities between these two that go beyond physical appearances. Such similarities include a temperamental personality,  a positive outlook towards life, bragging and getting a big kick out of annoying others but immediately losing their temper when the tables are turned. No wonder Snow Tha Product expresses her frustration by the President whom she refers to as Donald Duck. She is evidently not the only frustrated one but is, in this case, representing the many Chicano voices who feel equally frustrated.


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