A reflection on the Star Trek Universe

Paula Marie Acevedo Mejia

Space, the Final Frontier.

These words carry on the depths and desires of human mind.

Development. Growth. Prosperity. Ambitiousness.

It is never ending; the lengths of what someone is capable of.

From giving up years of your life, wandering through the darkness,

To putting your life at risk, for the sake of “what ifs”.

The days seem as never ending,

But the white streaks in your head say otherwise.

What is your goal?

What is your purpose?

Is it to obtain honour, recognition, praise?

Is it to discover what’s beyond the human eye?

That’s a faraway place.

Would it not be too lonely?

Are you not afraid of getting lost?

Or are you already in the darkness?

It is always easy to remain the same, to never change.

Especially if this feeling has been present  for a while.

Habits are hard to break afterall.

However, would it not be more painful for these habits to break you than for you to break them?

Think about yourself, think about the people that surround you.

Who said happiness laid at the end of the road?

Who said it wasn’t halfway? Or even at the beginning?

Who said you were not in control of yourself?

Life will always change, no matter where you go or where you stay.

At the end of the day, consistency has never been a thing nature is fond of.

However, who said change had to come in the form we have defined it as?

Change is not just physical,

Change is not just technology,

Change is not just a new discovery.

Sometimes change comes in the form of something that has always been there, but we have been too busy to notice.

And just as life is forever changing, it also comes to an end.

It seems like a scary thought,

But once we make peace with our destiny, the rest will be resolved.

Afterall, knowledge might be power,

But wisdom is boundless.


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